Sunday, April 30, 2006


That's right, get the hell out of here now.

Go with all deliberate speed to:

It's like here but MUCH nicer. See ya there.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Great Redesign!

Welcome to the new and improved WomoPage.

I started this blog two years ago as a movie-review site, but didn't make much of a go of it.

Well now I'm back with a snazzy new design. I used a layout from Blogger Templates as my new template. (It's called K1, if you're curious.)

I've tweaked the template a little and am tweaking it still. Since I know very little about html coding, this involves lots of trial and error. So be patient if things are a little wonky for a while.

I wanted a clean, elegant look, and to that end I've tried to make the links as unobtrusive as possible. I find it very distracting to read through a blog post full of multi-color words. My discreet links underline when you hover over them, but are other-wise inconspicuous.

The biggest design change is the spiffy new "WomoPage" masthead. I created it with a freeware image editor called Gimp.

I'm going to try to post at least once a week. I'll still give lots of movie reviews, I imagine, because I watch so many films. But I'll also post some other stuff as well. My readers (if any) can make requests or suggestions of course.

Let's hope this goes better, or at least longer, than last time.